Análisis y reflexiones sobre la ED en Europa
- Bourn, Douglas and Kate Brown (2011), Young people and International Development: Engagement and Learning. Londres: Development Education Research Centre.
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- Bourn, Douglas and Frances HUnt (2011), Global dimension in secondary school. Londres: Development Education Research Centre.
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- DEEEP (2006), The Future of European Development NGOs and the role of Development Education. DEEEP y CONCORD.
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- DEEEP (2008), How to convince stakeholders to support development education (DE)?. Advocacy Toolkit, vol. 10.*
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- DEEEP (2009), Development Education and the School Curricula. CONCORD y DEEEP.*
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- DEEEP (2010), School as a key actors in promoting global education. CONCORD y DEEEP.*
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- DEEEP (2011), Quality and Impact in development education. CONCORD y DEEEP.
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- DEEEP (2011), DEAR matters. Strategic approaches to development education in Europe. DEEEP y CONCORD.
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- DEEEP (2011), Youth and Children in development education. DEEEP y CONCORD.
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- Directorate-General Press and Communication (EU) (coord.) (2005), Attitudes towards development Aid: Special Eurobarometer*.
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- European Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group on Development Education (2010), European Development Education Monitoring Report “DE Watch”. Bruselas: Developing Europeans’ Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty*.
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- GENE (2003), National Structures for the organizations, support and funding of Development Education. A comparative análisis. Lisboa: North-South Centre y Komment.*. Disponible en:
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- Synthesis o the Report on the Status of Development Education in Countries of the European Union. DEEEP y CONCORD, 2007.*
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- VV.AA (2010), DEAR in Europe: recomendations for future interventions by the EC: final report of the Development Education & Awareness Raising Study. Bruselas: Soges S. p.A.*
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- VV.AA (2010), Dear in Europe: Analyses and consultations. Annex A.Bruselas: Soges S. p.A.*
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- VV.AA (2010), DEAR in Europe: Analyses and Consultations: Annex B of the Development Education & Awareness Raising Study Final Report. Bruselas: Soges S. p.A.*
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- VV.AA. (2011), Development needs citizens. The place of Development Education and Awareness Raising in the development discourse. Bruselas: DEEEP y CONCORD*. Disponible:
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- VV.AA.Development Education an School Curriculum Survey. CONCORD, 2006*
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